Tune up your shoulders

Sunday March 15th, 2020
1pm to 3pm
Yoga Shak Montreal

The events of everyday living like working on your computer or interacting with your mobile phone can be enough to leave your neck and shoulders feeling tense and knotted.

In this Yoga Tune Up® workshop we will explore our shoulder and neck mobility through therapeutic ball rolling, stretching and strengthening exercises to create spaciousness in the shoulder joints, increase your range of movement and show you how to align yourself for better posture.

You will leave with strategies to help your shoulders become stronger, more flexible, and more balanced in your yoga postures and in your daily activities.

Sunday March 15th, 2020 - 1pm to 3pm
Price : 30$
Yoga Shak Montreal
372 Crémazie East, Montreal, Quebec, H2P 1E5
March 15th, 2020 - 1pm to 3pm